Heiner Lauterbach
Heiner Lauterbach is an award-winning film and television actor who has predominately performed in his native Germany. Cult movie fans internationally, especially ones with a good knowledge of European exploitation movies from the 1970s, might remember him best from his various parts in the notorious "Schoolgirl Report" series. Sold as faux moralistic exposés of the sex lives of German teenage girls, they were practically soft-core porn in the opinion of some. Since he made his debut in the films, his career has blossomed substantially. His breakout role was starring in Doris Dörrie's provocative 1985 film "Men ." He would work again with Dörrie in the comedy "Paradise" the following year. Some of Lauterbach's most significant roles can be seen in the film "Rossini," for which he won a best actor award, the cop show "Eurocops," and the acclaimed miniseries "Opera Ball." He is also a notable voice actor, dubbing big-time American actors such as Jack Nicholson, Richard Gere, and others for German-language versions of their films.