Hector Echavarria
A world champion kickboxer in his native Argentina, Hector Echavarria stumbled into acting while scouting a location in Miami to open up a gym. It was there that he bumped into Carol Meyers, the publicist for "Miami Vice," who was able to pull strings and land Echavarria a role on the 1987 season premiere of the show. Before long Echavarria was noticed by an Argentine producer who cast him in the action film "Los extermineitors." That film, along with its two sequels, became hugely popular in South America and certified Echavarria's status as an action star. From 1990 to 1997 he starred in the Argentine action/comedy series "Brigada cola" before trying his hand at writing and directing. He wrote and directed the mixed martial arts movie "Never Surrender" in 2009 and starred in the 2011 action movie "Duel of Legends," which he also wrote and directed.