Hannah Hart
Hannah Hart was a YouTube personality who was best known for creating the widely popular video series "My Drunk Kitchen." Born and raised in the Bay Area, Hart always had a desire to be an entertainer. An excellent student, she excelled in English throughout high school, and dreamt of becoming a writer. In her early 20s Hart spent a brief period living abroad in Japan, where she grew to love and appreciate the Japanese language. Upon returning to the states Hart enrolled in a school close to home, the University of California Berkeley, where she studied English and Japanese language. She graduated from UC Berkeley in 2009 and immediately moved to Brooklyn to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a writer. Hart quickly realized, however, that hacking it out in the cutthroat world of New York publishing was a lot harder than she anticipated, not to mention she now had to earn a living in one of the most expensive cities in the country. With her savings running out Hart took a job proofreading Japanese literature for a Manhattan-based translating company to make ends meet. With her artistic hopes and dreams dwindling, thanks to the drudgery of her day job, Hart turned to YouTube on a whim one evening and posted a funny video of herself making a grilled cheese sandwich while drunk. The video quickly went viral and within a few days Hart's little video had earned over 100,000 views on YouTube. Seeing that she had hit on something special, Hart started posting more videos of herself drinking and cooking and named the series "My Drunk Kitchen." More and more people started watching and within a few months Hart was able to quit her boring proofreading job and post videos to YouTube full-time. Hart eventually moved to Los Angeles to pursue other endeavors outside of YouTube videos and had some success in 2014 when she starred in the indie comedy "Camp Takota." However, as of 2016 "My Drunk Kitchen" continued to be Hart's primary means of notoriety, thus earning her millions of fans as well as a comfortable living in sunny Los Angeles. In addition to her YouTube videos she also released a parody companion cooking book which shot up the New York Times bestseller list upon its publication in September of 2014.