The couples arrive at The Block and are told the rules. They then find out their apartment numbers and are told of the 1-week deadline to deliver the 1st room. Fiona and Adam discover live termites in their floor and water leaking through their roof from upstairs.
Their first morning at The Block and Fiona visits the boys and they decide to call an emergency BC meeting about the noise levels from upstairs. There is an upstairs-downstairs division. The boys are scheming to get money out of the BC find. Phil and Amity realise they have 75 days to go.
The termite damage in the downstairs apartments are inspected and live termites are found so they tear up the floor. Phil tries to sneak a peak at the boy's place. Walls come crashing down in the boy's apartment.
After just two weeks at The Block stress levels are running at fever pitch as the couples race to deliver room number two. Alliances are formed as the battle between upstairs and downstairs erupts again. Paul is nearly electrocuted.
Jamie Durie awards the prize for room number four. Arguments galore as everyone at The Block fight over every dollar of the landscaping budget. For Amity, a life long dream is about to come true.