Fred Norris
Known for being the longest-tenured staff member on "The Howard Stern Show" aside from Stern himself, the Connecticut-born Fred Norris has helped craft some of the most memorable parts of the show. Norris met Stern when the two were both working the overnight shift at WCCC, in Hartford, Conn. in 1979. When Stern was later brought to D.C., he invited Fred to join him to help write comedy pieces for the show. Despite a very difficult upbringing, including an abusive, alcoholic father and an indifferent older brother, Norris managed to navigate his teenage years without too much difficulty, and his new stepfather who joined the family when Norris was 13 was a kind and loving presence in the home. Norris' role on Stern's show is primarily the creation of parody songs, skits, and jokes, as well as supplying amusing sound bites and noise-effects which are designed to coincide with the topics of discussion on the show. "Win Fred's Money" is a popular segment on the show, and features Norris and a another contestant answering rapid-fire questions for a chance to win money. Norris has been a part of many of the show's most notable moments, including the show's "Dial-A-Date" segment where he met caller Allison Furman, who he later married. Norris joined the staff in their move to cable when they began airing "Howard Stern On Demand," and was also featured in 1997's "Private Parts a ," a motion picture about Stern's radio empire.