Fred Lerner

Fred Lerner worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. Lerner's career in acting began with his roles in various films like the dramatic adaptation "The Sterile Cuckoo" (1969) with Liza Minnelli, the Paul Newman action film "Sometimes a Great Notion" (1971) and "The Legend of Nigger Charley" (1972). He also appeared in "The Soul of Nigger Charley" (1973) with Fred "The Hammer" Williamson. In the eighties, Lerner devoted his time to various credits, such as "Splash" (1984), "Better Off Dead" (1985) and "Fandango" (1985). He also worked on "Stephen King's Cat's Eye" with Drew Barrymore (1985). Lerner had a number of different projects under his belt in the nineties, including "Rapid Fire" with Brandon Lee (1992), "Boiling Point" with Wesley Snipes (1993) and "Coneheads" (1993) starring Dan Aykroyd. His credits also expanded to "Dazed and Confused" (1993) starring Jason London and "Ring of the Musketeers" (1993). Lerner most recently worked on the Matthew Broderick crime drama "The Last Shot" (2004).


Guest Appearances