Frank Yablans

Frank Yablans

Producer Frank Yablans first worked in motion picture sales and marketing before working his way up the corporate ladder to become president of Paramount Pictures. During his four-year tenure, the studio released a slew of highly successful and acclaimed pictures, including "The Godfather" (1972), "Serpico" and "Paper Moon" (both 1973), and "The Godfather II," "Chinatown" and "Murder on the Orient Express" (all 1974). He then worked as an independent producer, counting among his credits movies like "Silver Streak" (1976), "The Fury" (1977, in which he also played a small role), "North Dallas Forty" (1979) and "Mommie Dearest" (1981), co-authoring the screenplays for the latter two. Tapped as chief operating officer at MGM/United Artists in 1983, Yablans instituted a massive reorganization at the ailing studio before being relieved of his duties at the Kirk Kerkorian-topped company. After nearly a decade's absence, he resurfaced as the executive producer of "Congo" (1995) and later produced "A Dog of Flanders" (lensed 1998).

