Frank Crudele

Frank Crudele is an Italian-Canadian actor. He was born and lived in Italy (Triggiano near Bari) until 10 yrs old. His family moved to Montreal, Canada in 1965 and two years later to Toronto where he spent his formative years. He has an older brother (Vince Crudele) and two sisters who married two brothers; Marie Lecce and Maria Teresa Lecce. He holds a BA from Concordia University in Italian literature (1977). His main acting teacher and influence was Stella Adler in NYC with whom he studied on a Canada Council grant. Having worked extensively in theatre for the first decade, his career has spanned between Europe, Canada and the US and has worked in English, Italian, Spanish and French. He has played prominent roles in both film & television and was chosen and directed by Martin Scorsese to play “Big Jim Colosimo” in the 2009 pilot episode of the award winning HBO tv series Boardwalk Empire. His breakout appearance for his work in Europe was at the 2002 Venice film festival for “My Name is Tanino”, directed by Paolo Virzi’. In Italy he is popularly recognized as coast-guard marshall “Pietro Melluso” in the RAI tv series "Gente di Mare" and as the scoundrel-lover "Peppiniello" in "Un Medico in Famiglia". In Spain he was in the ensemble film “Cobardes”, winner of the critics award at the 2008 Malaga film festival. He has played “pope Alejandro vii” in the Spanish action film “Red Eagle” and was in two of Spain’s most popular tv series; “Velvet” and “Los Hombres De Paco”. Frank Crudele was married to Kathleen O’Hara with whom he had three children: Nico, Hanna and Gabriel. He divorced in 2010 and his former wife died from cancer in 2015. Since the passing of the mother of his children he has been based in Canada near Vancouver in Roberts Creek, BC with his Spanish partner Virginia Perez who he met in Madrid.


Guest Appearances