Enrico Silvestrin
Enrico Silvestrin was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Silvestrin found his beginnings in film with roles in "Ecco Fatto" (1998) and the drama "Deceit" (1999) with Jonathan Pryce. Silvestrin made film his next project, appearing in the Silvio Muccino dramedy "But Forever in My Mind" (2000), the Silvio Muccino comedy "Che ne Sara di Noi" (2004) and the comedic drama "Remember Me, My Love" (2004) with Fabrizio Bentivoglio. He also appeared in "Piano 17" (2006) with Giampaolo Morelli. More recently, Silvestrin acted in "Come Trovare Nel Modo Giusto L'uomo Sbagliato" (2011).