Ella Joyce
This stage-trained black American actress worked Off-Broadway and in regional theater productions for several years before landing the role of Eleanor Emerson, the strong and independent wife of Charles S. Dutton's title character on the Fox sitcom "Roc." Ella Joyce's theater credits include August Wilson's "Two Trains Running" and "Don't Get God Started." Her theater experience provided excellent preparation for the TV series' shift to a live production. Joyce's TV credits have included appearances in several TV-movies--Mike Newell's "Common Ground" (1990) and "Choices" (1986)--and the cable series "Rin Tin Tin." She has attributed her success to changing her name, but her fortunate association with the celebrated playwright August Wilson was probably even more relevant. All three of Joyce's co-stars on "Roc" had appeared in plays written by Wilson and directed by Lloyd Richards. Joyce made her screen debut in the pallid Sylvester Stallone vehicle "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot" (1992) and subsequently appeared in the crime drama "Set It Off" (1996).