Eddie Malavarca
Guest Appearances
LAW & ORDER · S5, E18Privileged
The stabbing murder of a husband and wife prompts Briscoe and Logan (Jerry Orbach, Chris Noth) to investigate Steven Bartlett (guest star Eddie Malavarca), an alcoholic who was abused as a child.
OZ · S2, E2Ancient Tribes
Ten months after the riot, Em City is reopened. A recovered McManus creates a council of group representatives to keep order, and initiates classes to help inmates get high-school equivalency diplomas. Having been told by O'Reilly that Abedisi was responsible for his father's death, Peter Schibetta takes over the kitchen by cashing in on a favor Glynn owes the family. As Schillinger's parole hearing nears, Beecher taunts his nemesis mercilessly in an attempt to ruin Schillinger's quest for freedom. Glynn's daughter is raped by a group of Latinos, and the warden takes out his frustrations on Alvarez. O'Reilly learns he may have breast cancer.
OZ · S2, E4Losing Your Appeal
Augustus Hill's court appeal is denied, despite the efforts of Said, who has better luck getting Poet's poems published. Meanwhile, O'Reily survives his lumpectomy, and now focuses his attention on Dr. Nathan. Trying to cut a deal after killing an Aryan inmate, Richie Hanlon is forced instead to admit to a murder he didn't commit. Schibetta offers Alvarez a piece of his drug biz in exchange for killing Adebisi, and Adebisi makes a counter-offer. Beecher is forced to meet with the judge who sentenced him; it appears she has a guilty conscience. Beecher's new roommate, Chris Keller, seems to hate Aryans as much as Beecher. Appearances can be misleading.
OZ · S2, E3Great Men
Alvarez knows who raped Glynn's daughter, but refuses to tell the warden. Wangler is making progress at school, but his cellmate, Abedisi, isn't a fan of higher education. When Augustus Hill's judge is convicted of accepting bribes, Said takes up Hill's case and tries to get him a second trial. Diagnosed with cancer, O'Reilly goes to a hospital to get a prison-paid lumpectomy, which is cheaper than a mastectomy. The Aryans are losing credibility at Oz, so Schillinger arranges to have a tough named Vogel killed. Next on the hit list: Beecher. Finally, the prison is filled with excitement as a woman, Shirley Bellinger, arrives on death row to be executed.
OZ · S2, E5Family Bizness
With their enmity at a boiling point, Adebisi poisons Schibetta--but not fatally. Now that his brother has turned himself in for murder, Glynn no longer owes Schibetta any favors. Sister Peter Marie figures out that Giles saw who killed her husband. Poet, now a published author, gets his parole, but Gov. Devlin still takes away funds for McManus' high-school equivalency program. When Beecher learns his wife committed suicide, Keller offers comfort, but his advances are rebuked. Meanwhile, O'Reily is in love with Dr. Nathan, and gets his brother Cyril to have her husband killed.