Now it's every man for himself and the comedy gods for them all while Tom and Fabiana don't even blink as to not let even a chuckle squeak by. Maíra Azevedo gets things moving with "Maria Isabel". And both shocking and unforgettable is the first elimination under 10 minutes. Who decided to jump the gun?
This third episode is chock-full of cards, turning the game on its head. Great talents fall and others get a noose around their necks. Rodrigo Marques teases everyone by stripping, Karina Ramil mimes on a "rainy day" and, in "The Best in the Universe", there is comedy in pairs. And then the show becomes terrifying with Júnior Chicó's revival of Samara and Ed Gama's "Tchan's Baldie".
The show is at full swing. There's no bluff nor trump card, and there's no time to catch a breath. Iêda Guadalupe, aka Maria Clara Gueiros, leads the way. Marcio Ballas gives an improv show, Júnior Chicó's Rabid Pluto comes in unannounced, and Suzy Brasil causes panic as a snake. There's also Paulinho Serra's ball sack and Celeste the Manicure by Dadá Coelho. Whew! Wait, time for another card!
In the final episode, if you don't play, you're out! Two comedians have half an hour to make someone laugh or else they will be eliminated. It's sudden death time. And with half an hour left, even though this is not a western, comedians must duel face to face. What do they have up their sleeve? In this epic finale, only one will be the winner of the third season of "LOL: If You Laugh, It's Over"!
Porchat recebe Roberta Miranda, Felipe Andreolli e Ed Gama. Roberta faz revelações sobre sua vida amorosa, Felipe narra um incêndio e Ed conta a história de um show frustrado. Da plateia, vêm as histórias do sequestrado pela sogra e de um encontro.