Dominiques Swain
From the 2500 girls that auditioned for the role, 15-year-old Malibu High School sophomore Dominique Swain was cast by director Adrian Lyne as his "Lolita" (1997). The film met with numerous controversies and was released only in Europe (no American distributor would touch the film because of its subject matter). Initial reviews for the fledgling actress were mixed, while others praised her for bringing a contemporary edge to the role. Her prior professional experience amounted to stunt double work on "The Good Son" (1993), but since her breakout role, Swain acted a part closer to herself, a typical high school girl, the daughter of Joan Allen and John Travolta, in John Woo's "Face/Off" (1997). She also completed filming "Girl" (lensed in 1997), starring opposite Summer Phoenix as a young woman who leaves the suburbs behind to fall in with Portland's underground rock scene searching for sex and true love.