Aidan deals with the power vacuum and orphan vampires left behind when Bishop died, Josh prepares to reenter medical school and embrace a normal life with Nora, and Sally’s ghost powers grow stronger as she wonders what will happen to her now that she’s missed her door…
Sally gets addicted to possessing a live woman, Josh searches for a cure as Nora explores her connection to her wolf, Aidan is called to task for not yet ridding Boston of the orphan vampires.
Josh decides to kill Ray, Sally’s mother returns, and Aidan decides to kill Mother.
Aidan and Suren look forward to their future together, Josh must choose between Julia and Nora, and Sally tries to fix one of the lives that she ruined.
Sally tries to convince Zoe not to turn her back on her gift, Josh decides whether to tell Julia the truth about himself, and Aidan tries to make a life for himself and Suren.