David Shiner

In 1990, Shiner was featured in the famed Cirque du Soleil's production "Nouvelle Experience" and toured the USA and Canada (including a 1991 stop in NYC). The production was filmed for HBO and aired in 1992 as "Cirque du Soleil: A New Experience." Shiner's popularity led to film roles as a clown in "Lorenzo's Oil" (1992) and as straight man to Bill Irwin in Sam Shepard's "Silent Tongue" (1993). He and Irwin went on to collaborate on evening of "inspired lunacy" called "Fool Moon" which won raves on Broadway in 1993 and was brought back for repeat performances in 1995-96 and again in 1998. A two-man show, "Fool Moon" allowed both comic clowns to shine as each attempted to outdo the other. In 2000, Shiner returned to Broadway in the role of the Cat in the Hat, the evening's host and guide, in the stage musical "Seussical" which interwove many of Dr. Seuss' famed characters in a new story that appealed to children of all ages.

