David Michael Latt
It has been said by many critics and movie fans that the age of the B-movie no longer exists. And while it may be true that cheap, shoddy, and fun exploitation movies may not flood the grindhouses and play on television in the middle of the night like they did in the past, B-movie moguls like David Michael Latt are doing their part in keeping the tradition of so-bad-it's-good moviemaking alive. Latt is the co-founder of The Asylum, a production company specializing in low-budget, straight-to-video, intentionally derivative exploitation movies such as "H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds," "Pirates of Treasure Island," "Snakes on a Train," "The Day the Earth Stopped," "Transmorphers," and "Titanic II"--products designed to capitalize on better-known and bigger budgeted Hollywood blockbusters. The Asylum has also branched out into Judeo-Christian-based filmmaking with their subdivision Faith Films. As well as being the co-founder of the company, Latt serves a multi-purpose role as producer, visual effects artist, editor, writer, and director of various films. The Asylum was built in part on the success of Latt's earlier, non-"mockbluster" B-movies, including the award-winning cult media satire "Jane White is Sick & Twisted."