Daniel Sharman
As a pre-teen, Daniel Sharman was like many other youths his age and didn't want to attend school any longer. But unlike the majority of wannabe-truants, Sharman was also a budding actor and got himself accepted into the prestigious Royal Shakespeare Company to get out of going to classes. He honed his craft on stage, but eventually tried to make the transition to television and feature films. The only problem, though, was that the actor was finding it difficult to change his acting style to come across naturally in front of the camera. Despite his problems making the change, he started landing roles on shows like the legal mystery "Judge John Deed," on the crime show "Inspector Lewis," and on "The Nine Lives of Chole King." He also appeared in the television movie "Starting Over" and in the indie thriller "The Last Days of Edgar Harding." His big feature film break came in 2011, when he played the mythical God of War Ares in Tarsem Singh's hyper-stylized neo-sword and sandal epic "Immortals." Sharman almost didn't get the role; when he auditioned for the part in Hollywood he had just finished playing a heroin addict in a London stage production and had lost a lot of weight, hardly the body type for a legendary god. But the actor's commitment in bulking up secured his participation in the movie.