This season's CELEBRITY BIG BROTHER cast includes an Olympic medalist, a two-time NBA champion, a former boy-band heartthrob, an '80s TV icon, an Emmy Award-winning TV personality, two Housewives and a UFC champion, among others.
Tonight, the Houseguests find out whats in the Gala Gift and how it promises to shake up the game. Plus, Meisha is a master of take downs but who will she put up for eviction?
Who will win the Power of Veto? And will it be used to save either Carson or Mirai from the block? Plus, it's the first live eviction! Which celeb will be sent packing? And will the Gala Gift send someone not on the block out the door?
Tonight, a new HOH will be crowned and two new celebrities will be targeted for eviction.
Who will win the Power of Veto, and will it be used to save ether Cynthia or Carson from eviction? Plus, who will be the next celebrity sent packing?