Cindy Pickett
Tall, striking leading lady and character actress, primarily on TV, who came to the fore as Jackie Spaulding, one of daytime drama's many distraught wives and mothers, on the CBS perennial, "Guiding Light." With her tawny complexion, deep-set eyes and intense acting style, Pickett has performed mostly in melodrama, notably as Craig T. Nelson's wife on the war series, "Call to Glory" (1984-85). She entered features with a leading role, but unfortunately the film was "Night Games" (1979), routine horror fare as helmed by the ever-tricksy but only occasionally artful Roger Vadim. During the 80s and 90s Pickett alternated between leads in minor films ("Mystique" 1981, "Hot to Trot" 1986) and supporting roles in such widely seen fare as "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" (1986, as the hero's mother) and "Stephen King's Sleepwalkers" (1992). Married to actor Lyman Ward.