Cezary Pazura
Cezary Pazura was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Pazura began his acting career with roles in such films as the crime feature "Psy" (1993) with Boguslaw Linda, "A Man of. ." (1994) and the Agata Kulesza comedy "Czlowiek Z.. ." (1994). He also appeared in the drama "Nothing But Fear" (1994) with Anna Dymna. He continued to act in productions like the Jacek Palucha comedy "The Bash" (1994), the comedy "White" (1994) with Zbigniew Zamachowski and "Holy Week" (1996). More recently, he continued to act in "E = mc ²" (2002), "Insatiabilty" (2003) and the comedy adaptation "Ja Wam Pokaze!" (2006) with Grazyna Wolszak. He also appeared in the Anna Przybylska foreign "Zloty Srodek" (2009). Most recently, Pazura acted in "Stroke 2" (2012).