Cate Freedman
Best known for her role as the unconventional Ms. Feldman on the comedy series "Teachers" (TV Land, 2016-), Cate Freedman first began honing her skills by enrolling in improv classes at Second City in 2002. A native of Chicago, Freedman was in close proximity to many world class sketch comedy and improv institutions, and she took full advantage of every opportunity. While working retail jobs to pay the bills, Freedman steadily became an increasingly successful presence in the sketch comedy scene, even performing with the The Second City National Touring Company. Something special clicked however, when Freedman joined up with a six-person sketch comedy troupe comprised entirely of women whose names could be shortened to "Kate." The group dubbed themselves the Katydids and began performing at Chicago's iO Theater, in addition to creating online videos-such as the popular web series "Teachers" (YouTube, 2012). The show was such a hit that the Katydids eventually landed a deal with the network TV Land to adapt it into a half hour cable series in 2016. Meanwhile, Freedman would remain active in other projects, notably appearing in the film "The Masterpiece" (2017), a movie about the making of the infamously terrible movie "The Room" (2003) based on the book The Disaster Artist.