Carlos Valdes
Carlos Valdes' journey to the screen was unique from the start. Born in Santiago de Cali, Colombia, Valdes moved to Miami, Florida at age 5, then to Marietta, Georgia. After graduating from the University of Michigan in 2011, he focused on musical theater. He played in theatrical versions of "High School Musical," and "The Wedding Singer," before he landed a role with the touring production of "Jersey Boys." In 2013, Valdes achieved one of his dreams, when he played as a replacement in the original Broadway production of "Once," adapted from the 2007 feature film. In 2014, Valdes made his first appearance as Cisco Ramon, an engineering genius critical to the DC comics universe. Although his character has a different origin than the original comic book character (also known as the superhero Vibe), the Cisco Ramon portrayed by Valdes first appeared in the series "Arrow" (The CW, 2012-). After a few episodes of "Arrow," Cisco Ramon was spun off into the new series "The Flash" (The CW, 2014-). On "The Flash," the character is part of the S.T.A.R. Labs team that helps Barry Allen, aka The Flash, as he tries to harness his power and use it for the good of mankind.