Brad Austin
Guest Appearances
NIKITA · S1, E5The Guardian
Divison's secrets are at risk of being revealed to the world when Owen (guest star DEVON SAWA - Final Destination, Extreme Dating, SLC Punk!), a Division operative, escapes from a bank robbery and becomes a fugitive. Percy decides to search for Owen himself, which makes Michael suspicious of his motives. Nikita and Owen go head-to-head until Percy joins them for a tense standoff. Meanwhile, Alex sneaks into Percy's office to warn Nikita, but she is busted by Thom and the two share an intimate moment.
ACCUSED · S1, E9Texas
A teacher is accused of statutory rape when he helps a student cross state lines to get an abortion.
COPPER · S2, E1Home, Sweet Home
February 5, 1865. Five Points remains a bedlam. Young men are dying and disappearing at an alarming rate and a career criminal is terrorizing the Sixth Ward. With pressures from Tammany Hall raining down upon the police force, Detective Kevin Corcoran and the coppers of the Sixth Ward must follow the guidance of returned ward leader, General Brendan Donovan. Meanwhile, Doctor Matthew Freeman visits his mentor and is presented with an attractive offer that will cause a rift in his marriage. Uptown, Robert Morehouse and Elizabeth Haverford make plans for their wedding and Confederate spy Kennedy's execution. In the tombs, Francis Maguire is set to learn his fate.
COPPER · S2, E9Think Gently of the Erring
Returning to the Precinct, Detective Kevin Corcoran is staggered when he discovers a new investigation has one close to him in chains. Racing to free his friend, Corcoran seeks help from those in power. However, General Brendan Donovan is consumed by an upcoming, major political and business move. Meanwhile, Doctor Matthew Freeman approaches Robert Morehouse to suggest a joint effort to aid the metropolis.
COPPER · S2, E13The Place I Called My Home
In the wake of President Abraham Lincoln's assassination, the country is reeling. As Detective Kevin Corcoran mourns with Robert Morehouse and Doctor Matthew Freeman, the three men decide to join a national effort to hunt down Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth. For the three friends, the mission elicits memories from the battlefield, resurfaces faces from the past, and creates opportunity for the Five Points' chaos to continue unabated. Meanwhile, Tammany Hall finds an unlikely successor to lead the Sixth Ward.