A quarter of a billion dollars' worth of military hardware is on board, but a rogue gunman threatens to derail the journey. Off grid, Nancy and Jim face challenges during an ambitious cabin build.
In the woods Jim and Nancy James challenge a wannabe off grid couple, and Jennifer Hawks tries to find a missing settler. Meanwhile, the freight struggles to deliver a heavy load.
Tempers flare as an extra heavy train runs into brake problems and a derailment leaves maintenance teams stranded. Off grid, homesteaders narrowly avert a fire but are left without heat.
A freight crew racing towards Anchorage faces an icy challenge as they dodge intruders on the track. In the wilderness, homesteaders team up to track down an abandoned cabin washed down stream and trapped in ice.
After an accident, veteran off-gridder Jim James attempts to reach the hospital by train, but obstacles may put him in jeopardy. Elsewhere, the freight crew fights to open up a port in lockdown.