Born in Browns Mills, New Jersey, Lester Green, better known as Beetlejuice, is an American entertainer and actor. Green was born with dwarfism and microcephaly. Green was discovered by Sean Rooney. After joining Rooney's dwarf tossing company, Green was given his nickname because of his resemblance to the character in the movie "Beetlejuice" (1988). On July 14, 1999, Green made his debut on "The Howard Stern Show." In 2001, Green portrayed a fictional character named Lil' Zip in "Bubble Boy." That same year he made a cameo appearance in "Scary Movie 2." In 2002, he appeared in N.O.R.E.'s "Grimey" music video. In late 2004, Green sang "This Is Beetle," also known as "The Beetlejuice Song," on "The Howard Stern Show." In 2009, Green was featured in his own five-episode reality television show entitled "This is Beetle" on Howard TV. In February 2021, Green debuted a remixed version of his 2015 song "Beetle in the House" on "The Howard Stern Show."