Ayda Field

Ayda Field

Ayda Field is an actress specializing in television sitcoms. She is married to the English-born singer-songwriter, and occasional actor Robbie Williams. Field began her career in the industry on the classic soap opera "Days of Our Lives," in 2000, as Angela Moroni, appearing in four episodes into 2001. She then earned parts on TV movies like the comedy "Romeo Fire," in 2002, and the romantic comedy "Platonically Incorrect" in 2003, as well as small parts on the disparate comedies "Will & Grace" and "Blue Collar TV." Then in 2006, she earned her first substantial role, as a main supporting cast member on the NBC comedy "Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip," a behind-the-scenes take on a fictional "Saturday Night Live"-type show, replete with all manner of industry-insider references. Field played Jeannie Whatley, a member of the fictional ensemble. As her role on "Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip" ended, she earned a significant part on another comedy, the Kelsey Grammer-starring sitcom "Back to You." Field played Montana Diaz Herrera, the weatherwoman on the TV news send-up, appearing on 11 episodes over the 2007 and 2008 seasons.


Guest Appearances