Arne Glimcher
Founder and director of the prestigious Pace Art Gallery in New York, who had his first taste of filmmaking when he played a cameo--appropriately enough as a bidder at an art auction--in friend Robert Benton's 1980 thriller, "Still of the Night." In 1986 Glimcher served as associate producer of "Legal Eagles" Ivan Reitman's romantic mystery set in the New York art world, utilizing his knowledge of art to develop gallery scenes, pick artworks for sets and write the films's performance-art piece. He actively entered the industry when he independently developed and produced the features ""Gorillas in the Mist" and "The Good Mother" (both 1988) and made his directorial debut with "The Mambo Kings" (1992), the film adaptation of Oscar Hijuelos's Pultizer Prize-winning novel "The Mambo Kings Play Songs of Love."