Anthony Ramos
Audiences instantly became familiar with actor Anthony Ramos when he joined the original cast of the massively popular musical "Hamilton." Though the surge in popularity that the show brought about was epic, Ramos had already been working hard and paying his dues in the world of musical theater when he won the part. Born in Brooklyn, Ramos' first love was baseball. Though he enjoyed singing in school ensembles, he had the highest batting average on his high school's baseball team, and planned to pursue the sport further until he landed a role in a school musical and discovered his new passion. Ramos participated in some community theater before earning a scholarship to attend the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. After graduating in 2011, he appeared in several plays, including a New Jersey production of "Grease" and a nationally touring production of "Damn Yankees." He eventually won a role in Lin-Manuel Miranda's "In the Heights," which began a working relationship between the two. Ramos created the role of Laboy for himself in Miranda's 2014 short musical "21 Chump Street," and in 2015, was cast in the roles of John Laurens and Philip Hamilton in "Hamilton." The following year, Ramos made his feature film debut in the drama "White Girl" (2016).