Anndi McAfee
Although Anndi McAfee has appeared in TV series and movies since she was a child, including a stint on "Home Improvement" as middle son Randy's first girlfriend, the Los Angeles native is best known as a voiceover artist. Since the late 1980s, McAfee has provided voices for literally dozens of television cartoons, animated films, video games, and commercials. Specializing in child and adolescent voices, she has voiced characters like Carrie Kelly (the teenager who would become the first female Robin) in various animated "Batman" properties and Cera the triceratops in the direct-to-video sequels to "The Land Before Time." In 2009's hit video game "Final Fantasy XIII," McAfee voices Lebreau, a key member of the resistance. McAfee has also done the voiceovers for E! Television's snarky clip show, "The Soup"; however, contrary to popular belief, McAfee provides the voiceover only for the show's opening and commercial breaks. Popular recurring catchphrases heard during the show itself (such as "So meaty!" or "It's Miley!") are voiced by one of "The Soup"'s producers, Kelly Andrews.