One of the owners of Middleford's private golf club is found dead and handcuffed in the swimming pool on his raucous stag night.
Tim was a broken-hearted skateboarder, Daisy was a directionless, wannabe journalist. But fate kicked them onto the streets to find each other for the first time in a greasy cafe. Adult themes and strong language.
Jonathan is on the case of a police officer strangled in a gym, while Carla has taken up a new role on a 'true crime' TV show.
Having finally tackled the task of unpacking and faced with the prospect of having to do some work, Daisy persuades Tim to have a house-warming party - Adult themes and strong language
Daisy receives some bad news from her boyfriend and decides to brighten up her life with a dog while Tim goes paint-balling with his arch-enemy. Adult themes and strong language.