Andy Beckwith
Guest Appearances
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E2The Night Lands
In the wake of a bloody purge in the capital, Tyrion chastens Cersei for alienating the king's subjects. On the road north, Arya shares a secret with a Night's Watch recruit named Gendry. With supplies dwindling, one of Dany's scouts returns with news of their position. After nine years as a Stark ward, Theon Greyjoy reunites with his father Balon and sister Yara, who want to restore the ancient Kingdom of the Iron Islands. Davos enlists Salladhor Saan, a pirate, to join forces with Stannis and Melisandre for a naval invasion of King's Landing.
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E3What Is Dead May Never Die
At the Red Keep, Tyrion plots three alliances through the promise of marriage. Catelyn arrives in the Stormlands to forge an alliance of her own. But King Renly, his new wife Margaery, and her brother Loras Tyrell have other plans in mind. Balon Greyjoy maps out his strategy of attack while, at Winterfell, Luwin tries to decipher Bran's dreams.
GAME OF THRONES · S2, E8The Prince of Winterfell
At Winterfell, Theon receives a visitor and holds down the fort. Arya calls in her final debt with Jaqen in a way that displeases him. Robb is betrayed. Tyrion and Varys find common ground. Dany ignores Jorah's advice. Stannis and Davos approach their destination, and Davos is offered a reward.
GAME OF THRONES · S4, E7Mockingbird
Tyrion enlists an unlikely ally. Daario entreats Dany to allow him to do what he does best. Jon's warnings about the Wall's vulnerability fall on deaf ears. Brienne follows a new lead on the road with Pod.
NCIS · S13, E21Return to Sender
Gibbs and Senior FBI Agent T.C. Fornell (Joe Spano) unite after two British prisoners, including a former spy, escape and arrive stateside via a shipping container. Also, McGee is busy apartment hunting and determined to find out how DiNozzo purchased his lavish place.