Andrew Schofield

Andrew Schofield was an accomplished actor who appeared in a variety of films throughout his Hollywood career. Schofield's earliest roles were in film, including the Michael Angelis comedy "No Surrender" (1986), "Sid and Nancy" (1986) with Gary Oldman and the period drama "Distant Voices, Still Lives" (1989) with Freda Dowie. He continued to act in productions like the dramatic adaptation "Hamlet" (1996) with Richard Attenborough and the Miguel Sandoval fantastical comedy "Three Businessmen" (1998). He also appeared in the TV special "Oliver Twist" (PBS, 2000-01). Recently, he continued to act in the Anthony Borrows dramatic period piece "Liam" (2001) and the comedy "The Revengers Tragedy" (2003) with Christopher Eccleston. He held additional roles in television including a part on "Murphy's Law (BBC)" (BBC Northern Ireland, 2002-05). Most recently, Schofield acted in the Paul Barber thriller "Dead Man's Cards" (2006).