Amanda Ryan
Amanda Ryan was an actress who made a successful career for herself in film. Ryan worked on a variety of projects during her early entertainment career, including "Doombeach" (1990), "Hard Road" (1989) starring Francesca Camillo and "Jude" (1996) starring Christopher Eccleston. She also contributed to "The Hunger: An MTV Sneak Preview" (MTV, 1996-97), "The Woodlanders" (1997) and "The World's Biggest Lies" (Fox, 1991-92). She kept working in film throughout the nineties, starring in the John Gielgud historical romance "Elizabeth" (1998), "Metroland" (1999) and "The Escort" (1999). Film continued to be her passion as she played roles in the adventurous drama "Simon Magus" (2001) with Noah Taylor and the romantic comedy "Sparkle" (2007) with Bob Hoskins. She also had a part in the TV miniseries "The Forsyte Saga" (2002-04). Ryan most recently acted in the dramatic adaptation "Love Eternal" (2014) with Robert de Hoog.