Morticia decides to keep the children home from school after she sees the fairy tales they have to read. When the truant officer comes to investigate he finds Morticia tending her garden of hemlock and poison ivy and Gomez blowing up bridges on his model train set.
Election fever grips the Addams household as Gomez supports the council candidate whose campaign promise is to drain the town's disgusting bogs. Morticia who likes the lovely bogs labels the candidate an extremist. But Gomez assures her that all politicians do the opposite of their campaign promises.
Matt tries to convince a battered wife to press charges.
Allyn Joslyn guest-stars as Sam Hilliard a former truant officer who now heads a private school where Wednesday and Pugsley are enrolled. When Hilliard breaks under the strain of dealing with the Addams children Gomez buys the school.
A jailed outlaw bribes an incorruptible marshal in order to escape. Starring Richard Boone and Royal Dano.