A.J. Benza
Actor AJ Benza's Hollywood career began with his acting in action flicks like the Mel Gibson blockbuster "Ransom" (1996). He had a part on the television special "Mickey Rourke: The E! True Hollywood Story" (E! Networks, 1998-99). Benza worked in television around the start of his acting career with a role on "The Gossip Show" (E! Networks, 1993-2000). Benza also lent his voice to various characters in "Family Guy" (Fox, 1998-). He also appeared in the TV special "Gossip: Tabloid Tales" (2001-02). In the nineties and the early 2000s, he worked on the silver screen, taking roles in the drama "Not Even the Trees" (1999) with Nicole Brier and the comedy "Chump Change" (2000) with Stephen Burrows. He also acted on the big screen in films like "P.S. Your Cat Is Dead" (2003) and the drama sequel "Rocky Balboa" (2006) with Sylvester Stallone. Benza most recently acted on "Gimme My Reality Show" (2008-09).