Wonder Boy
Available on Prime Video, Marquee TV
Step into the world of "Wonder Boy," a startling new play from writer Ross Willis that follows Sonny, a 12-year-old grappling with a speech impediment within a struggling school system. Living with a stammer has left Sonny hiding in silence. His only friend is an imaginary comic book hero, Captain Chatter, who is always by Sonny's side. When Sonny unexpectedly lands a role in the school's production of Hamlet, he finds support from his teacher Wainwright, and his witty classmate Roshi. Together, they embark on an inspiring journey of self-discovery, unlocking Sonny's voice and strength. Directed by Olivier Award-winner Sally Cookson (A Monster Calls), this groundbreaking production merges live creative captioning, British Sign Language performance, traditional theater, and live music for a fully inclusive experience. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ''An audaciously inventive, sparky yet sensitive, giddily enjoyable new play that deserves to be packed to the rafters'' - The Guardian
