Without Shepherds

Without Shepherds is a rare and essential glimpse into six brave lives trapped in the turbulent waters of Pakistan today. In the midst of the first national election in ten years, each of our characters takes their first steps in bold new directions of their own: Most notably Imran Kahn, former cricket star and heartthrob leaves the cricket pitch for politics, hoping that his sports stardom can build a new coalition of young, energetic and principled voices; a female journalist working behind Taliban lines; an ex-mujahid seeking redemption; a trucker crossing dangerous territory to feed his family; a supermodel pushing feminism through fashion; and a subversive Sufi rocker using music. Each has different answers to the questions in front of them, the government, the impact of Western foreign policy, the role of Islam, and the uncertainty of what kind of country will emerge. But they are all part of a moderate core, desperate to emerge and looking for allies both near and far. WITHOUT SHEPHERDS is a portrait of this moment, where Pakistan sits at the center of a deeply broken world, and of those inside the country who are trying to find a way forward for all.
Vaneeza Ahmad, Arieb Azhar, Abdullah Khan
Cary McClelland