Winter Out West
When it comes to water cinematography in the surf, Tom "Jenno" Jennings is one of the best in the business. And though Jenno is best known for his swimming skills, he’s equally talented at shooting unique angles from land and filming mesmerizing moments of the world’s best surfers taking to the air. Jenno calls the rugged coastline of Western Australia home, and he spends his winters driving up and down its 1000-mile coastline, sleeping in his car, eating meat pies, and relying on the surf for a shower. One day he’s in the far southwest filming Jack Robinson in 8-to-10 foot tubes at North Point, and the next he’s 12 hours north, swimming underneath scary slabs with Ry Craike and the Kalbarri crew. It’s a thankless job and it’s one that comes with real hazards. West OZ is notorious for great white sharks, and as Jenno bobs around in the ocean without a surfboard for protection, he risks life and limb to get his incredible shots. For him, it’s all worth it. "I like to record images that show more than just a surfer riding a wave. It’s nice to get shots that show perspective. Capturing the craziest moments the ocean has to offer is what I'm passionate about." And in turn, those crazy moments are what make Winter Out West.
Starring John Florence, Creed McTaggart, Jay Davies
Director SURFER Magazine