Where in the Hell Is the Lavender House? The Longmont Potion Castle Story

An unpaid camera operator is left to finish the film a bumbling pair of filmmakers attempt to make about the greatest anonymous phone-work artist of all time -Longmont Potion Castle. The Banksy of phone-work, Longmont Potion Castle’s oeuvre is probably best described by executive producer Rainn Wilson as “a sublime work of art: as if Salvador Dali moved to suburban Denver, got stoned and made prank phone calls.” For over 30 years, Longmont Potion Castle has been releasing phone-art insanity to his rabid fan base that include such luminaries as Queens of the Stone Age, Jimmy Eat World, Deer Tick, Steve Aoki and a host of other entertainers and musicians who turn to Longmont Potion Castle for laughs and inspiration. Featuring interviews with Rainn Wilson, Andrew Bujalski, Pissed Jeans, Municipal Waste, the owners of NBS Electronics as well as the Twist and Shout record store, Pig Destroyer, Weyes Blood, Cattle Decapitation, Pinback, and a variety of hardcore fans, “Where in the Hell is the Lavender House? The Longmont Potion Castle story” peeks behind the curtain of America's underground phone-work king, and documents a film doomed to fail from the beginning.
David Hall, Vivek Venkatesh, Thomas Rotenberg
David Hall, Thomas Rotenberg