War in the Sky: The Story of the Royal Air Force
Trace the story of The Royal Air Force in the 20th Century, from the birth of powered flight itself to the storm clouds of WWI; the heady days of pleasure flights in the 1920s to the horrors of the Blitz in WWII. Featuring sorties of Spitfires, the maritime protection of Sunderlands, Wellingtons in the North Africa campaign and Hurricanes liberating East Asia, this documentary explores how the RAF adapted from a defensive machine to a highly efficient attacking force. Footage from the Berlin Airlift Operation and the role of the Valiant, Victor and Vulcan bombers role in the dark days of the Cold War, takes the story forward, as the RAF develops into a tactical force. From the introduction of Nimrods at sea, the Harrier jump-jet, the Jaguar and Tornado fighters, to the workhorse Hercules transporters, in arenas such as the Falklands Conflict, the Gulf War and peacekeepers with NATO in Bosnia and Serbia, this is the remarkable story of the RAF in the 20th Century.
Starring Robert Powell
Director Finlay Bald