Waiting for Heaven

Eflatun, a miniaturist who lives in 17th century Istanbul, the capital city of the Ottoman Empire, uses western style to paint a portrait of his son who has just died. But doing this gives him conflicting emotions, for painting “like a Venician or Frank” distances him from the style of painting taught to him by his own masters. While troubled with these kinds of thoughts, he is taken to the residence of an Ottoman vezir. There he learns that a pretender to the throne, a prince named Danyal who has been leading a revolt against the Ottomans, has been captured in a distant Anatolian province and is to be executed. To ensure the identity of the rebel to be killed, the palace orders Eflatun to paint a portrait of the rebel in the western style. After receiving his orders, Eflatun sets out on a difficult journey into Anatolia accompanied by a select group of palace guards. His apprentice Gazal is to be held in custody at the residence until Eflatun accomplishes his mission and returns. The group takes pity on a slave girl (Leyla) they meet on the way and bring her with them. They finally reach the caravansary where a surprise waits for them.
Serhat Tutumluer, Melisa Sözen, Mesut Akusta
Dervis Zaim