Evil. Is it learned, or is it born? Delving into the shattered mind of her latest patient, Dr Angela Perkins must decide ifthe young, blind, and scarred prisoner Andre Volkov is a study on the death of innocence, or the nightmare inducing birth of ultimate evil. A child born of sin, bathed in blood, and schooled in the religion of deception, Andre Volkov’s transformation fromprey to predator is fueled through the institutions that fail his soul, but feed his rage and desire for revenge. From the brutal confines of Horton House Penitentiary to the criminal underground in which he thrives, Andre Volkov gathers an army. Trustingno one except right hand man Brutus, Volkov builds a dark empire with a hidden purpose only he, with his destroyed vision and heart can see. As the Fugitive Recovery Agency closes in on Volkov, he becomes more dangerous than ever. A cornered wolf, with nothing to lose, the blind, insanely cunning Volkov will set his world, and all worlds, aflame. A psychological thriller, full of suspenseful twists and turns, VOLKOV ORGIN proves once and for all that the mind of man is capable of... anything
1 hr 27 min
Wes Johnson, Gina Jun, Michael J. Patterson