Victory Remembered

Victory Remembered' tells the inspiring story of The First Special Service Force, a secret Allied commando unit during WWII. They were also known as the Black Devils, the name given them by their terrified German enemy. They were the first combined U.S. & Canadian combat unit and were the forefathers of today's Special Forces. They never lost a battle or gave up an inch of ground and had the highest casualty rate of the war. The film explores their historic origins, brutal training for a secret mission, and legendary battle experiences through interviews with the veterans and descendants, archival footage and on location shooting in Montana, where they trained, and Italy and France, as the vets, and their families, returned to the European battle grounds and cemeteries 70 years after the war. Touching and personal accounts by soldiers and family members tell of the dangers, challenges and struggles by soldiers and family members alike, during and after the war, culminating in the unit being awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 2015 as they continue to inspire and remind us of the price of freedom.
Les Owen
Les Owen