Toys in the Attic
Voiced by an all-star cast, this critically acclaimed animated film unlocks a secret world of discarded toys, knick-knacks and assorted junk, long forgotten in an old attic. Academy Award-Winner Forest Whitaker (Where the Wild Things Are), Joan Cusack (Toy Story 2 and 3) and Cary Elwes (The Princess Bride) star in this fun-filled fairytale adventure. The beautiful doll Buttercup (Vivian Shilling) resides in an old trunk with her friends Sir Handsome (Elwes), Teddy (Whitaker), Madame Curie (Cusack) and others. Living in a world divided by the happy toys of the west and the evil of the east, the friends must come together when Buttercup is kidnapped to the Land of Evil. This fantastical feature will entertain and delight audiences of all ages.
Forest Whitaker, Joan Cusack, Cary Elwes
Jiri Barta, Vivian Schilling