Son of a dyer, which earned him the name Tintoretto, or ‘little dyer’ (1519-1594), he was in fact the only great Renaissance painter never to leave Venice, not even during the years of the plague. We will in fact be fully immersed in Renaissance Venice as we visit some of the places that evoke and preserve the memory of the artist, from the State Archives to the Doge's Palace, from St. Mark's Square to the Church of San Rocco. We will be guided through the events that occurred in the life of Jacopo Robusti, professionally known as Tintoretto, from the early years of his artistic training up to his death, not to mention the fascinating period during which he set up his workshop, where some of his children also worked, Domenico, who inherited his father’s business, and his beloved Marietta, also a talented painter.
1 hr 30 min
Helena Bonham Carter...Narrator, Peter Greenaway, Melania Mazzucco