This World Alone
Available on Philo, Plex
Following a cataclysmic event, Sam (Belle Adams), a book-obsessed girl in her late teens, attempts to survive with her two mother figures in a world without technology or power. Willow (Sophie Edwards) believes in a world of compassion and empathy whereas Connie (Carrie Walrond Hood) believes in an “only the strong survive,” mentality. Those warring philosophies are put to the test when an accident forces Sam out of her home for the first time and she journeys to a nearby settlement for help. Along the way she meets Dart (Lau’rie Roach), a young man out on a “walkabout” attempting to prove himself to his overbearing father-figure. The two of them come of age together as they face the physical and emotional challenges of a world reclaimed by nature and attempt to stay one step ahead of their mysterious tracker, Levi (Brandon O’Dell).
Starring Belle Adams, Sophie Edwards, Carrie Walrond Hood
Director Jordan Noel