The Wiggles: Let's Eat!

Here's a serving of music that's deliciously delightful! The Wiggles have cooked up a feast of fun with some very special guests! Here's just a taste; Aussie legends Mental as Anything join with The Wiggles and sing Let's Cook. Ireland's Tom McGlynn heads out to sea with the fab four of fun with Squid Jiggin Ground. Mic Conway joins the gang for Alabama Jubilee and That's What You Call Digestion. While Anthony's brother, Paul Field sings Sleep Safe, My Baby. There are songs about food for every day of the week such as Monday is Muffin Day!, while children will be reminded to Wash Your Hands and Clean Your Teeth. Then for dessert, Anthony, Murray, Jeff and Sam will join Captain Feathersword in Cook, Captain, Cook! and Have a Laugh; as well as Dorothy the Dinosaur in Clap Your Hands with Dorothy, Wag the Dog in Wonderful Wags and Henry the Octopus for a banquet of beats to get your toes tapping. You'll be hungry for more when you sample a morsel of The Wiggles: Let's Eat!
Murray Cook, Jeff Fatt, Anthony Field
Paul Field