The Warring States

Sun Bin (Sun Honglei, Mongol), purported descendant of the Art of War author Sun Tzu, is a brilliant military strategist steadily advancing in the ranks of war during China's Warring States Period (fifth to third centuries BC). He's believed to have the knowledge to defeat any opponent in battle. Not to be outdone, Sun's brother, Pang Juan (Francis Ng, Exiled), secures a powerful military general position for himself and, in a jealous twist, frames Sun for treason. Sun begins a long journey to prison and back, and again up the ranks of war, finally ending as a top strategist and peer with his brother. THE WARRING STATES follows the rivalry of these two brothers to the end, where both meet again on the battlefield, leading armies against each other in a fight to the death.
Honglei Sun, Jing Tian, Francis Ng
Chen Jin