The Stranger by the Shore
Available on Prime Video, Crunchyroll
The love story of a young boy an aspiring novelist...Bittersweet, and in the end, heartwarming. Three years ago, they met on the shore of an isolated Okinawan island. Shun Hashimoto, an aspiring gay novelist, notices a young boy, Mio Chibana, lost in thought, and decides to hit on him. This is the beginning of their relationship. The two of them get closer by the day, until Mio has to leave the island. Three years later, Mio comes back, saying "I've been thinking about this for three years, and I love you even if you're a man." But Shun finds himself reluctant to move forward in their relationship...
Starring Taishi Murata, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, Shimamura Yu
Director Akiyo Ohashi