The Stomping Grounds
Available on Red Bull TV
For decades, the pursuit of adventure, deep powder and massive spines has taken professional skiers like Mark Abma and Michelle Parker to the far reaches of the globe. As skiers, the desire to seek more and to escape is ingrained in our DNA. But that doesn’t mean our immediate surroundings don’t possess their own special treasures. Presented by Toyota, Matchstick Productions brings to you their newest creation, THE STOMPING GROUNDS.This action-packed feature explores the backyards and zones our pro skiers can frequent every day (sometimes with a little extra effort and ingenuity). From a “born-and-raised” resort in Idaho to the spectacular Lyngen Alps just outside their hometowns in northern Norway, our skiers thrive in what’s familiar and find thrills in the unexpected. In the process, they manage to re-discover what is “home.” And home delivers in spades.
Starring Mark Abma, Rory Bushfield, Mckenna Peterson
Director Steve Winter, Murray Wais